ANSSI is the French National Cybersecurity Agency’s (Agence nationale de la sécurité des systèmes d’information). The ANSSI Security Visa program certifies information technology products for use by the French government and companies. The Security Visas issued by ANSSI are used by many companies to identify reliable solutions that are recognized as such by following an evaluation performed by licensed evaluators in accordance ANSSI standards. The evaluations involves extensive penetration testing and in-depth analysis to make sure that the solutions are compliant. ANSSI offers two types of certifications: Common Criteria (CC) and First Level Security Certification (CSPN – Certification de sécurité de premier niveau).
The Virtru Chrome Browser Extension for GMail and Secure Reader are CSPN certified. Virtru's certification examination was performed by the independent security firm Oppida.
Virtru's CSPN certification report and security target are available for review from the ANSSI website. The security target describes the scope of the evaluation and certification report describes the results of the examination.